Tuesday, May 6, 2014

So Carrot top is Pennywise....what's the problem?

     So recently it came down the horror pike that everyone's fav red headed comedian to hate, Carrot Top aka Scott Thompson, was cast as the uber creepy "Pennywise the Clown" in the remake of  Stephen King's "It".

     Then everyone lost their damn minds.

     I realise Carrot Top is not Tim Curry (Who is?), that goes without saying. Curry is a legend when it comes to playing creepy characters, and his shoes are enormous ones to fill. Personally, I had hopes Johnny Depp would have been cast as the evil clown, given that he's an awesome character actor and probably one of the few people alive who could deliver a performance on par with Curry's. However, upon learning that Carrot Top had the role, I wasn't upset. In fact, after some consideration, I thought it was a pretty cool idea. Allow me to explain before you start building a stake to burn me on...

     Has anyone actually looked at Carrot Top? I mean, seriously, have you really looked at him? Dude is creepy looking as fuck! He also has that weird voice. Close your eyes and picture dude dressed as a clown, laughing and making creepy jokes while handing candy to your kids. Go ahead, I'll wait...

     Yeah, see what I mean?

     If there is anyone that can seriously give me the heebie jeebies as an evil clown, it's this guy! He isn't that bad an actor either from what I can tell based on the many small roles he's played here and there. I mean he ain't winning an oscar anytime soon, but he can hold his own. I have faith he'll be effective in the role. Plus, he's different enough from Curry to perhaps bring a new perspective to it that won't seem like an attempt at copying Curry, which would be a freaking enormous mistake for any actor to attempt!

     Look, for all the folks who were hoping Curry would reprise the role: Hey, I feel ya, I'm a huge Curry fan myself ("Legend" anyone?). It would have been cool as fuck to see him donning the Pennywise suit again, but really, why would he want to play the role again? His turn as Pennywise is the stuff of legend, no reason to revisit it. Could he top it? Doubt it, especially since he's much older now. Curry has nothing to prove, his version of Pennywise ain't gonna be forgotten anytime soon. Word ta ya mutha!

     The rest of you naysayers who are spitting mad at the casting choice. Relax homies! Give the "Top" a chance, he may surprise you. At least reserve judgement till we get a peek at him in Pennywise mode. Remember, when Ledger was announced as the new Joker, people lost their shit, but now, most people agree he rocked that role. Don't worry, if Carrot Top sucks, I'll be the first to rip him a new arse hole on the web, cause my momma didn't teach me better than that!

     I know it's hard to be open minded when it comes to Hollywood fudging with classics, believe me, I don't care for all this remake madness currently sweeping Hollywood, but the original movie, while good, was a far cry from the totally awesome book (Which is my fav novel.). If not for Curry, it may not be as fondly remembered. Curry made that movie. Period.
     Plus it was a made for TV movie aired in the early 90's. I'm all for a big screen remake that will attempt to be darker and more in the spirit of the novel. Yeah, they're not going to follow the book exactly, but the filmmakers have promised a very dark telling of the classic.
     So all my sicko's, chillax! It's all good in the hood! As the convicts say in prison while waiting to see if they're gonna get parole, "Hope for the best but expect the worst." Either way, my shaved arse will be there opening day with an open mind and a bucket of extra buttery popcorn! Nuff said!

      One last thing, if ya haven't read the novel "It" by King, your missing out jackhole! Go to your local book store, to Amazon, or to your library (You've got options, no excuses....unless you're illiterate...in which case, my bad.) and get this shite! Now! I ain't playin' son!
     If all you saw was the movie, then you haven't seen all this twisted tale has to offer. So much more dark and twisted shiz that the movie didn't touch. Plus, King manages to explore the magic of childhood and why we should never lose touch with it. It really has so many layers. Easily King's masterpiece in this jerkoffs humble opinion! Oh, and don't let the massive 1,090 pages intimidate you, the book is so damn good and engrossing that's you'll fly through it and when ya reach the end you'll wish there was more!

So go read it, cause reading is fundamental and shit!

And that my friends is my opinion, and it couldn't be any more clearer than blood on the wall!

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